by Kynn Bartlett <kynn-hwg(at)>

 Date:  Thu, 24 Jan 2002 14:52:58 -0800
 To:  "Jenny Toller" <jenny.toller(at)>,
 References:  webable jtaug99
  todo: View Thread, Original
At 9:36 PM +0000 1/23/02, Jenny Toller wrote:
>Everything at HWG worked *perfectly* before the merger. I took several
>courses. However, it irks me that I can't even log in to the member
>area - and, given this, I am hesitant about signing on for any more

Actually, everything at HWG was about to fall apart and members who
had just paid for a year's membership would have been out everything,
and anyone signed up for a future class wouldn't gotten to take it,
and instructors wouldn't have been paid for the courses they'd just
taught.  Not to mention HWG employees who wouldn't get paid.

That's the state of things before the IWA merger.  The only reason it
looked as if things worked *perfectly* was due to the dedication of
HWG staff members such as Kef Moulton and Chris Weiss, who managed
to keep things barely running even though the Guild itself was on
a direct path to bankruptcy.

I'll look into the homepage link issue.  In my opinion, as someone who
continues to teach classes, I think the IWA/HWG eClasses are just as
safe to take as they were before, maybe safer now that we're not
cancelling half of them and neglecting to pay our instructors.


Kynn Bartlett <kynn(at)>       
Chief Technologist, Idyll Mountain  
Web Accessibility Expert-for-hire
January Web Accessibility eCourse 
Forthcoming: Teach Yourself CSS in 24 Hours

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